You might wonder what these 4 topics have to do with one another, but if you visit our small group Bible study on Thursday nights at the Buck's house you won't have to wonder so hard.
We've been studying out of Acts for the past few weeks and have seen Paul interact with the Athenians as they ponder their "unknown god" and Paul explains to them the true and living God. Last week we also took a romp through Acts to understand and practice prayer a little better. We saw men and women receive healing and Peter share the Gospel with men and women that never heard before. All of this was accomplished through God working according to prayers of men and women.
Something fun that you'll get to experience at our group is a full-sized Pirates of the Caribbean pinball game and a pool table. As always, we desire to be intentional in our outreach and always welcome others. So, for directions to our group meeting from 7:30-9 each thursday night in Irmo, SC email steve at ashopper81404@yahoo.com.