April 4, 2007

Sunsets and daVinci

This is the first ever blog posting for the Eastlake 20somethings and I'm looking forward to expressing the heart of a missional wanderer on the blog here from time to time.
This pic is from the middle of St. Louis during december. It's been doctored a little bit, but man, it's pretty, eh? Those are the type of sunsets I'd go wandering to see everyday if I had my choice. God is a great painter isn't he? And then to give us the creativity to enhance the beauty that he provides? I don't get it. But nonetheless, the Creator provides the scene and I can only play with the colors. It's like a kid with a "paint by numbers" of the Mona Lisa. He might add a few new "creative" colors to the work, but the beauty captured by daVinci was there long before he ever came along.

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